The Secretary of State for Cooperatives and his delegation from Timor-Leste attended the 6th ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit

Bali, 22 August 2023
The Secretary of State for Cooperatives (SECoop) H.E. Eng. Arsenio Pereira da Silva, M. Agr, accompanied by the Head of Office, Eng. Leovogildo Belarmino, M.Sc., Eng. Francisco Xavier, MPP and the delegation represented by Timor-Leste will represent the Minister of Economic Affairs of Timor-Leste in participating the 6th ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit in Bali-Indonesia.
The delegation was directly welcomed by the Timorese Consulate and ASEAN summit Committee in Bali-Indonesia for preparation in attending the summit which will be held at Mulia Resort, Nusa Dua Bali from 23rd to 25th of August 2023.
The aim to attend this high level meeting is to correspond the invitation from H.E. Minister of Cooperative and SMEs from the Republic of Indonesia in order to observe, learn and familiarize ourselves to the progress of the initiative with the objective to contribute and share our domestic effort at certain time in the future to create a more resilient region and to be able to address the current and future challenges.
This summit will be chaired by H.E. Teten Masduki, the Minister of Cooperative and SMEs and will be attended by members of ASEAN countries such as Malaysia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Vietnam, Secretariat of ASEAN and ESCAP.
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